Its been about 9 months since I've starting writing this blog and I reached 1000 page views in recent days. I would like to Thank everyone for Checking out my blog. I plan on continuing to write about my experiences and hopefully I will be making some improvements to the blogs appearance and adding new informative pages. I also would like to add a Facebook comment box to each post.
I've received a few emails asking for my input on IP graphing and I enjoy sharing my experiences and offering helpful tips.
I found it a little surprising that people I've met in the past have found my blog. The only place publicize my blog is on and Sports card forum. I usually do not talk about it while at games.
Keep the emails coming and do not be afraid to make comments, Positive or negative.
With the baseball season coming to end. Hopefully the NHL can come to new CBA agreement and avoid a lockout.
This coming hockey season I have a 7 game Islanders package and hopefully I will be graphing as many Saturdays as possible assuming the NHL season starts on time.
Thanks Again and Keep on visiting